El 84% de las personas que son felices en sus casas también son felices en la vida.

84% of people who are happy at home are also happy in life.

From Antico Studio, they explain the 7 fundamental pillars of this discipline and its benefits:


In recent years, neuroarchitecture has established itself as an innovative discipline that perfectly combines neuroscience and architecture. This with the aim of generating environments that privilege well-being and a better quality of life for people, based on the premise that physical spaces have a positive impact on the way we behave, communicate and feel.

“We spend 90% of the time locked up somewhere, whether at home or in the office, and that directly influences our mood. Decoration, colors, aromas are factors that, without realizing it, influence our perception of how we feel about ourselves and those around us. Warm environments, for example, will cause our body to generate the so-called “hormones of happiness,” explains Ana Antico, founder of Antico Studio. And he adds that “how proud we are of how our home looks has a significant impact on our social life, and our social life in turn impacts our happiness.”

It has been proven that curved shapes reduce the feeling of vulnerability, motivating people to stay in that space. On the other hand, pointed, angular or very square shapes resemble arrowheads, generating a state of alert and discomfort. For this reason, it is recommended to use curved shapes, since they produce happiness, and are even related to the womb.


Colors associated with nature such as green and blue reduce heart rate and reduce stress. Therefore, the recommendation is to use shades of green and blue mixed with beige, especially in bedrooms, which are associated with relaxation and rest. SCENTS

In neuroarchitecture, some environmental variables are taken into consideration that allow generating a synergy between the human brain and its behavior in the environment where it normally operates. “Our home constantly influences our well-being and our state of mind, that is why I believe in emotional decoration, which aims not only to beautify, but also to help people live happier lives,” highlights the professional.

Smell is 10,000 times more powerful than the rest of the senses, because it is closely related to the limbic system - that of emotions -. It has been proven that citrus aromas, for example, are antidepressants and in the case of the smell of lavender it allows you to lower your heart rate, which is why it is recommended for bedrooms or resting places in the home.


Light is a very important factor in people's daily lives. Natural light is the most important, because it allows us to capture the necessary vitamin D and contributes to increasing our energy, reducing levels of sadness and depression. In the case of cold light, it delays the secretion of melatonin, interfering with people's natural sleep cycle, so it is not recommended to use this type of light in homes.


Contact with environments designed under the principles of nature positively impacts people's physical, emotional and cognitive health. This concept is about bringing nature to the different environments in which people live. There are studies that show that plants reduce anxiety levels by 37% and help you relax.

Environmental variants of neuroarchitecture have direct effects and benefits on people's quality of life. Through the study and application of neuroscientific principles, professionals in this discipline - including architects, designers, biologists, psychologists and psychiatrists - seek to generate spaces that promote mental health, productivity, happiness and emotional well-being. of the society.